* Addition of a Quick Test (~10s) to the Speed Test screen on mobile devices
* Path MTU is now shown in the RTT Test and Detailed Test screens for all RTT test targets (inc. Ping, DNS name query and TCP connection setup)
* RTT histogram chart (including PDF, CDF and CCDF) is now added to all RTT over time charts
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Path MTU is now shown in the RTT Test and Detailed Test screens for all RTT test targets (inc. Ping, DNS name query and TCP connection setup)
* RTT histogram chart (including PDF, CDF and CCDF) is now added to all RTT over time charts
* Validator RTT steps (Ping, DNS and TCP/HTTP) can now be configured with PASS/WARN/FAIL thresholds for the 95th percentile (in addition to thresholds for min and median)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Path MTU is now shown in the RTT Test and Detailed Test screens for all RTT test targets (inc. Ping, DNS name query and TCP connection setup)
* RTT histogram chart (including PDF, CDF and CCDF) is now added to all RTT over time charts
* Validator RTT steps (Ping, DNS and TCP/HTTP) can now be configured with PASS/WARN/FAIL thresholds for the 95th percentile (in addition to thresholds for min and median)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* PDF, CDF and CCDF for all RTT (e.g., Ping) measurements, in addition to RTT over time
* Validator RTT steps (Ping, DNS and TCP/HTTP) can now be configured with PASS/WARN/FAIL thresholds for the 95th percentile (in addition to thresholds for min and median)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* RTT Test screen now plots PDF and CDF of measured RTT over the course of the test, for every tested target
* Validator RTT steps (Ping, DNS and TCP/HTTP) can now be configured with PASS/WARN/FAIL thresholds for 95th percentile (in addition to thresholds for min and median/50%)
* New NOW tab in Connection Tracker
* Connection tracker tracks also WiFi CCI, ACI/OBSS and airtime utilization %
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* PCAPng generated files now GZIP compressed by default (configurable)
* WiFi Networks screen - new TX POWER section (mobile & PDF)
* WiFi Networks & WiFi Channels - ability to filter based on 6GHz regulatory info (e.g., LPI, SP, VLP)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* WiFi Networks screen - new TX POWER section (mobile & PDF)
* WiFi Networks & WiFi Channels - ability to filter based on 6GHz regulatory info (e.g., LPI, SP, VLP)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* WiFi Networks & WiFi Channels - ability to filter based on 6GHz regulatory info (e.g., Standard Power, Low Power, Indoor)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* WiFi Networks & Signals screen:
--- New SECurity tab (on mobile devices and a security section in the PDF report) with detailed AKM and cipher suites
--- New FTM tab (on mobile devices and a security section in the PDF report) with detailed 11mc/11az capabilities and ranging results
--- Enhanced filtering (applicable also to the WiFi Channels screen)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Handover Analyzer - continuous download traffic bandwidth & throughput measurements; PDF reports; auto-pause after handover/roaming events (see settings for detailed configuration)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Validator new step type - Trace Route ("Ping & DNS Speeds" screen will be phased out in an upcoming release)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Validator - is the default launch activity for mobile devices (Speed Test screen is accessible via the main menu or bottom shortcuts)
* New Validator checklist steps - UDP Echo Test (with eMOS), WiFi RSSI Offsets, Test Location
* RSSI Offsets for WiFi - configurable in Settings
* Embedded iPerf3, HTTP and UDP Echo servers
* Bug fixes related to 802.11be draft changes
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Validator [Mobile] - now is the default launch screen
* Embedded iPerf3, HTTP and UDP Echo servers [Mobile, TV]
* Validator [Mobile, TV] - ability to send checklists for remote execution (on other devices of same or different user); generation of detailed pdf report for sharing (or as a response to sender when executing remotely)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* Validator screen [Mobile, TV] - additional built-in checklists; additional configurable validation criteria
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* Validator screen [Mobile, TV] - a new tool to validate connectivity conditions and performance against elaborate criteria
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* Validator screen [Mobile] - a new tool to validate connectivity conditions and performance against predefined criteria
* History screen [Mobile] - new chart showing historical test results in a graph; filter history by network used
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* Validator screen [Mobile] - a new tool to validate connectivity conditions and performance against predefined criteria
* History screen [Mobile] - new chart showing historical test results in a graph; new networks filter
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* Validator screen [Mobile] - a new tool to validate connectivity conditions and performance against predefined criteria
* History screen [Mobile] - new chart showing historical test results in a graph; new networks filter
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* History screen [Mobile] - new chart showing historical test results in a graph; new networks filter
* Coverage Analyzer screen [Mobile] - EXCEL (XLSX) file generated and shared with raw test results and additional analysis (user-modifiable pivot tables) [EXPERT] Replaces older sharing & CSV actions
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* History screen [Mobile] - new chart showing historical test results in a graph; new networks filter
* Coverage Analyzer screen [Mobile] - EXCEL (XLSX) file generated and shared with raw test results and additional analysis (user-modifiable pivot tables) [EXPERT] Replaces older sharing & CSV actions
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to tell us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* 802.11be/WiFi 7 info (even in older non WiFi 7 devices) - see MLO tab in WiFi Networks on mobile devices
* New capability to auto-share automatic speed test results' CSV file (for EXPERT users; requires sign-in) - see in Speed Testing settings
* Basic PCAP viewer (for EXPERT users) - also for files captured, saved or downloaded by other apps.
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to contact us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* PCAPng menu available app-wide (for EXPERT users)
* New Auto-Share PCAPng session files on app exit (for EXPERT users)
* New sharing mechanism (including export of CSV and PCAPng files for EXPERT users when available)
* New BLUETOOTH screen
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to contact us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* New BLUETOOTH screen
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to contact us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to contact us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Use the Contact Us menu option to contact us about any issue, concern, suggestion or feedback.
* [Experimental] Open Analysis™ feature
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* [Experimental] Open Analysis™ feature
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* [Experimental] Open Analysis™ feature in Coverage Analyzer
* Ability to export PCAPng (to CloudShark or Arista Packets) from WiFi Networks and WiFi Channels screens on TV devices (EXPERT users)
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Improved WiFi Networks screen for mobile devices
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Test server (inc. iPerf3) can be configured for Coverage Analyzer projects
* Channel load details in WiFi Channels screen
* WiFi Phy MCS info all around - current connection, stats during speed tests, coverage analysis, cloud shares
* [EXPERT users] WiFi Scanning Settings:
- Stream WiFi scans in real-time to Wireshark (as PCAPng)
- Save and open or auto-upload PCAPng of WiFi scans directly in CloudShark or Arista Packets
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Channel load details in WiFi Channels screen
* WiFi Phy MCS info all around - current connection, stats during speed tests, coverage analysis, cloud shares
* [EXPERT users] WiFi Scanning Settings:
- Stream WiFi scans in real-time to Wireshark (as PCAPng)
- Save and open PCAPng of WiFi scans directly in CloudShark or Arista Packets
- Auto-upload PCAPng of WiFi scans directly to CloudShark or Arista Packets
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Introducing LAN (local network) speed tests - between different devices using the analiti app connected to the same WiFi or Ethernet network. Currently only for EXPERT users.
* Removed iPerf3 due to inconsistent performance
* General bug fixes and performance improvements
* Send us a note to contact@analiti.com (or use the Contact Us menu option) with any issue, concern or suggestion.
* EXPORT to CSV/PCAPng [EXPERT users] now supports local file saving, in addition to sending via other apps.
* Quick band filter for WiFi screens
* Connected Devices now exportable to CSV [EXPERT users]
* Connected Devices ("Who is using my WiFi?") now allows to pick device Icon (and automatically share device details between multiple devices of same user)
* Please use the Contact Us menu option in the app to report issues and suggest improvements
* Phy models now clearly mark the area (rssi range x phy speed range) where most samples are collected while outliers are dimmed [EXPERT users]
* Network Devices now exportable to CSV [EXPERT users]
* Network Devices ("Who is using my WiFi?") now allows to pick device Icon (and automatically share device details between multiple devices of same user)
* Bug fixes
* You can now use the Contact Us menu option in the app to report issues and suggest improvements
* Bug fixes
* To report issues and suggest improvements - please send us a note to contact@analiti.com.
* VPN Check - now showing previous check - for easier comparison of with/without VPN
* Detailed Tests - added WiFi Channel Utilization (%), CCI (Co-Channel Interference) and ACI/OBSS (Adjacent Channel Interference/Overlapping BSS) signal counts
* [on mobile devices] EXPERT users can now manage multiple Coverage Survey projects
* [on mobile devices] Signed-in EXPERT users can review history of ALL signed-in devices of same user
* Bug fixes
* Detailed Tests - added WiFi Channel Utilization (%), CCI (Co-Channel Interference) and ACI/OBSS (Adjacent Channel Interference/Overlapping BSS) signal counts
* [on mobile devices] EXPERT users can now manage multiple Coverage Analyzer projects
* [on mobile devices] Signed-in EXPERT users can review history of ALL signed-in devices of same user
* Bug fixes
* Introduction of user registration and sign-in - enabling information sharing between all devices of same user
* [on mobile devices] Monitored devices activity will now automatically show (and notify on) all devices of same user
* [on mobile devices] Signed-in EXPERT users can review history of ALL signed-in devices of same user
* [on mobile devices] Speed Testing is now the default launch activity (with configurable auto start - off by default)
* Bug fixes
* Improved VPN Check
* Improved MultiPinger is now "Ping & DNS Speeds"
* Use TraceRoute to generate Ping targets list (EXPERT users)
* Pre-speed-test pinging (first 2 secs by default) is now using ~100ms interval
* Initial Android 12 compatibility
* iPerf - going back to to 3.9 due to 3.10.1 instability; no functionality loss as 3.10.1 did not add functionality
* Bug fixes
* Improved VPN Check
* Improved MultiPinger is now "Ping & DNS Speeds"
* Use TraceRoute to generate Ping targets list (EXPERT users)
* iPerf 3.10.1
* Pre-speed-test pinging (first 2 secs by default) is now using ~100ms interval
* Bug fixes
* Multi-Pinger is now "Ping and DNS Speeds"
* Bug fixes
* Improved Coverage Analyzer - set benchmark
* Bug fixes
* Improved "Coverage Analyzer"
* WiFi Channel Load reported in real time charts (WiFi Signal Analyzer and WiFi Signals Table)
* Enhanced configurability for Internet Speed Testing and iPerf3 testing (EXPERT users)
* Bug fixes
* Improved "Coverage Analyzer"
* Bug fixes
* New "Compact View" mode for WiFi Signals List and WiFi Networks
* Bug fixes
* Revised "Connection Status" main activity (for mobile devices)
* Revised WiFi Signals Table activity (for mobile devices)
* Revised WiFi Channels Report activity (for mobile devices)
* Added WiFi AP distance rough estimation (for non 11mc APs)
* Added WiFi filter based on BSSID (with wildcards)
* Bug fixes
* Improved History activity (on mobile devices) - use to export or analyze/compare multiple historical tests
* Improved WiFi Channels Report activity (on mobile devices) - sort using any column, freeze/unfreeze columns, etc.
* Bug fixes
* Detailed channel load information embedded in WiFi Channels chart (for EXPERT users)
* Multi Pinger results can now be shared, exported (for EXPERT users)
* Bug fixes
* Multi Pinger results can now be shared, exported (for EXPERT users)
* Removed CAMERA permission (will use DNS-SD for iPerf3 servers discovery)
* Bug fixes
* Improved Phy Modelling [on mobile devices, EXPERT features]
* Bug fixes
* Multi-Pinger screen - find out which ping target is quicker to respond (also create personal ping benchmarks)
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
For EXPERT users:
* WiFi Phy Models (in WiFi Signal Details) - for better analyzing WiFi signal quality
* Multiple concurrent Ping/DNS/HTTP targets in Detailed Test
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
* Enhanced WiFi filters - SSID wildcards, technologies (inc. 802.11ax), security (inc. WPA3 ), frequencies, etc.
* iPerf3 - bumped to 3.9
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
* WiFi Signal Details - diff analysis for IEs
* iPerf3 - bumped to 3.8.1
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
* WiFi Signal Details - diff analysis for IEs
* iPerf3 - bumped to 3.8.1
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
We continuously work on new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - individual or aggregated, raw or processed - to anyone.
We work for you!
* Export WiFi scan sessions to PCAP-NG files (and snapshots to CSV files)
* Filter WIFI signals based on primary/beacon channel
* Bug fixes
We are network technology professionals.
Our goal is to help improve your connectivity.
We do not sell any data known to our app - aggregated, processed, collected or otherwise - to anyone.
* Coverage Analyzer - improvements
* Bug fixes
* Coverage Analyzer - improvements
* Bug fixes
* Additional experimental speed test method - NDT7 (single TCP connection)
* Bug fixes
* Will not show interstitial full screen ads
* New paid features option - EVERYTHING for 24 HOURS
* Support for WIFI 6E / 6GHz spectrum [device dependent]
* Handover Analyzer [for smartphones and tablets]
* Bug fixes
* New paid features option - EVERYTHING for 24 HOURS
* Support for WIFI 6E / 6GHz spectrum [device dependent]
* Handover Analyzer [for smartphones and tablets]
* Bug fixes
* New paid features option - EVERYTHING for 24 HOURS
* Handover Analyzer [for smartphones and tablets]
* Bug fixes
* [New][Beta] Paid features option - EVERYTHING for 24 HOURS
* [New][Beta][Mobile Devices] - Handover Analyzer
* Bug fixes
* [New][Mobile Devices][Beta] - Handover Analyzer
* Bug fixes
* [New][Mobile Devices][Beta] - Handover Analyzer
* Bug fixes
* [New][Mobile Devices][Beta] - Handover Analyzer
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* [New][Beta] Open TCP port scanning for network devices
* Bug fixes
* [New][Beta] Open TCP port scanning for network devices
* Bug fixes
* [New][Beta] Open TCP port scanning for network devices
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* [New][Beta] Coverage Analyzer (for mobile devices)
* Bug fixes
* Android 10 (Q) Compatibility
* Bug fixes
* [NEW] WEB Check - verify reachability and performance of WEB sites
* [NEW] VPN Check - verify your VPN service takes you to the country you want - for both HTTP and DNS
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and WiFi scans using the web
* Bug fixes
* [NEW] VPN Check - verify your VPN service takes you to the country you want - for both HTTP and DNS
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and WiFi scans using the web
* Bug fixes
* Support for Disabled/Enabled WiFi Scan Throttling in Android Q Developer Options
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and WiFi scans using the web (in beta)
* WiFi Adviser (on mobile platforms) - now with integrated analysis charts
* Bug fixes
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and wifi scans using the web (in beta)
* Bug fixes
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and wifi scans using the web (in beta)
* Bug fixes
* [NEW] Cloud Sharing - share detailed test results and wifi scans using the web (in beta, for mobile platforms) - feedback (to contact@analiti.com) would be much appreciated!
* Bug fixes
* WiFi Signal Details screen - now showing all other signals that interact with the selected signal (i.e., using the same channels)
* Bug fixes
* New WiFi Signals Report screen (a tabular visualization of the WiFi Signals list) for mobile devices - in beta
* For WiFi signals - show all technologies supported, all basic rates and supported rates, all MCS supported (for HT, VHT and HE) - in the WiFi Signal Details screen (+ configurable for the WiFi Networks and WiFi Signals screens)
* Bug fixes
* New WiFi Signals Report screen (a tabular visualization of the WiFi Signals list) for mobile devices - in beta
* For WiFi signals - show all technologies supported, all basic rates and supported rates, all MCS supported (for HT, VHT and HE) - in the WiFi Signal Details screen (+ configurable for the WiFi Networks and WiFi Signals screens)
* Bug fixes
* Collapsed menu for TV platforms
* Bug fixes
* Improved network devices detection - reduced false positive joins (use "reset all detections" to clear existing false joins)
* Initial compatibility with Android Q beta 2 (QPP2)
* Compatibility with Galaxy S10 (inc. 802.11ax/WiFi 6)
* Bug fixes
By the way - if you find analiti useful - we'd love to receive a good rating from you. Thank you!
(And, as always - you can send us a note to contact@analiti.com with any concern, issue or suggestion for improvement)
* Initial compatibility with Android Q DP1
* Compatibility with Galaxy S10 (inc. 802.11ax/WiFi 6)
* Bug fixes
By the way - if you find analiti useful - we'd love to receive a good rating from you. Thank you!
(And, as always - you can send us a note to contact@analiti.com with any concern, issue or suggestion for improvement)
* Detailed Test - download & upload graph, all charts time synchronized
* (for mobile devices) New default launch screen - Quick Test (can be changed in Settings)
* Bug fixes
* iPerf server - always ON mode (optional, configure in Settings menu)
* In App Purchases Status screen (from the Settings menu)
* Bug fixes
* (for mobile devices) Detailed new WiFi Channels Report (in addition to the chart) - chart/report switchable in the WiFi Channels screen
* (for mobile devices) Full screen
* WiFi AP Details screen - Real time RSSI and PHY SPEED on same graph
* Bug fixes
* Now including iPerf 3.6 server and client
* "This Network" device list available for mobile devices
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Analytics (Beta) - for mobile devices
* Improvements to Quick Test methodology
* Quick Test recommendations - for mobile devices
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Quick test home WiFi recommendations
* Remote analiti device 24/7 monitoring (e.g., Android TV/Amazon Fire TV devices)
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Revised Detailed Test screen (previously called fasTest)
* Revised WiFi Spectrum screen
* Access to WiFi AP Zoom from Quick Test, Detailed Test and WiFi Spectrum screens (in addition to WiFi Scan screen) - for mobile devices
* Router address clickable to open in browser - for mobile devices
* UI Improvements
* Bug fixes
* Revised Detailed Test screen (previously called fasTest)
* Access to WiFi AP Zoom from Quick Test and Detailed Test screens (in addition to WiFi Scan screen) - for mobile devices
* Router address clickable to open in browser - for mobile devices
* UI Improvements
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Proactive background testing (on mobile devices) will now run only when device is charging (by default; a configurable setting)* Bug fixes
* New for mobile users:- A "quick" test (in addition to the detailed fasTest)- Automatic hourly background testing (configurable)- A settings screen* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
*Bug fixes
* Bug fixes
* Bug fixes